Tū Kaha Rangatahi


Are You Ready to Redefine Extraordinary?
Embark on a
transformative journey with Tū Kaha Rangatahi, our pioneering 12-week leadership initiative.

Who’s It For? Ambitious rangatahi, aged 16-24. We’re poised to amplify your Vision, Identity, and Purpose (VIP). Dive deeper into your true essence, crystallize your life’s direction, and set robust pillars for a future brimming with potential. 

Location Highlight: Our empowering weekly workshops will be held in Manukau. If selected, your presence there is essential for this transformational journey.  

Key Dates:

  • TKR Info Night | 12th Sept 2024
  • Pre-Experience Workshop | 26th Sept 2024
  • TKR Experience | 2nd Oct to 5th Oct
  • Noho Dates | TBC
  • Graduation | 14th Dec 2024
  • Workshops | 6pm every Thursday


Your TKR Journey Includes:

  • TKR Experience: We kick off with a  life changing expedition across the central plateau. Challenge your limits and immerse in workshops that fortify your skills and confidence. 
  • TKR Coaching & Mentoring: Navigate your journey with our seasoned coaches, deepening ties with your whānau and fostering an environment primed for your growth. From connecting with leading industry mentors, discovering diverse academic avenues, or strengthening connections with your iwi – we’re here to support and guide you.


📌 Information Night Ahead! All prospective participants and their whānau will be cordially invited to a special evening with the TKR Team. Delve into the intricacies of the program and clarify any queries you might have.

Step Into the World of Tū Kaha Rangatahi. This isn’t just another leadership initiative. It’s a thriving community that celebrates rangatahi, deepens your roots with whānau, and propels transformative change rooted in te ao Māori values. Transition from merely living to vibrantly thriving. Your transformative chapter begins with TKR.